Class: XI> Jimmy Valentine> Questions & Answers

Jimmy Valentine    ---- O. Henry

1.   1.  Describe the contents of Jimmy’s suitcase. Why do you think he gazes fondly at them?

Ans:    In Jimmy Valentine, we find Jimmy as a skilled safecracker. He has a unique set of tools for burglary in his suitcase. It is a complete set made of tempered steel. There are drills of latest design, punches, braces and bits, clamps, and augers, with two or three novelties by Jimmy himself.

            Jimmy opens his suitcase and gazes fondly at his suitcase of tools fondly. It is the finest set of tools of burglary in the East. Some of the tools are invented by Jimmy himself and therefore he takes pride in them. He spends nine hundred dollars to build them. They are made at a place where they make such things for this profession. Moreover, they are Jimmy’s pet tools. So, he gazes fondly at them.

2.  2.   Describe the elements of irony in Jimmy Valentine.

Ans:    O. Henry is a master in using irony. The irony is prevalent all through his story Jimmy Valentine. Jimmy is released from the prison. The warden advised him to live straight but he has no intention to live straight. He comes to Elmore to rob Elmore Bank but an unexpected turn is taken place in his life. He falls in love with the Banker’s daughter and he is reformed. Mr. Ralph D Spencer, the phoenix, arises from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes. He becomes an accepted member of the Elmore society. He writes his friend that he would only live the life of honesty. He would not another crooked thing for the whole world. Then another unexpected thing takes place. Agatha gets locked in the vault and Jimmy has to do another crooked deed to save her. Ralph D Spencer passes away and Jimmy Valentine takes its place. Ironically, Ben Price is moved by the greatness of Jimmy and leaves him.

3. 3.    What did Jimmy write in his letter to his old friend? What made him write the letter?

And:    Jimmy wrote a letter to his old friend in St. Louis. He wrote to him to come at Sullivan’s place to give him his unique collection of burglary tools. He had left his old business a year ago and opened a nice shoe-store. He decided only to live straight. So, would not touch another man’s money. He also decided to go West after his marriage with Annabel by selling out everything, because there would not be so much danger. He wrote that his ladylove was like an angel. She believed him and therefore he would not do another crooked thing for the whole world.

4. 4.   Write a note on the surprising ending of the story Jimmy Valentine.

Ans:    O. Henry is famous for ending surprisingly in many of his stories as he himself believes that life is a surprise itself. His story Jimmy Valentine tells that the tale of safe-cracker Jimmy Valentine. Jimmy is freed from prison. He starts his old business and goes to Elmore to rob Elmore Bank. But he falls in love with the Banker’s beautiful daughter and decided to live straight life by leaving his criminal career. Ben Price, the famous detective arrive there to inspect Jimmy’s activity. Jimmy and Annabel with Annabel’s family go to the bank for inspecting a new vault. Annabel’s niece accidently gets locked into the airtight vault and Jimmy has to open the vault to save her. The end of the story appears as a surprise. Jimmy Valentine surrenders but Ben Price does not recognize him. He turns and walks away.

5. 5.    Give a brief account of the character of Jimmy Valentine ?

Ans:    Jimmy Valentine is the protagonist/hero of O. Henry’s story “Jimmy Valentine”. Jimmy is a charming and handsome rogue, a skilled safe-cracker. He has a taste for food society. He was in jail for cracking safes but having many friends outside, he is released from the jail. Out of jail, he is back in business. After a series of bank robberies, he goes to Elmore to rob the Elmore Bank.But when he meets Annabel, he becomes another man. He begins an honest life, save Agatha from dying, surrender himself and proves himself a reformed man. He is no longer the same person. He is a new, reformed Jimmy Valentine.