1. What did Brabantio hope for his daughter's marriage?
Or, What did Brabantio expect?
Ø Brabantio hoped (expected) that as a Venetian lady, his daughter would marry a man of senatorial rank.
2. Who brought the charge against Othello in the court?
Ø Brabantio brought the charge against Othello in the court.
3. What was the accusation against Othello?
Ø The accusation was that he had married Desdemona by his spells and witchcraft.
4. Why did Brabantio accuse Othello?
Ø Brabantio accused Othello of marrying his daughter privately by spells and witchcraft, and without his consent.
5. Who was the chief judge of the court?
Ø The Duke was the chief judge of the court.
6. Why did Desdemona love Othello?
Ø Desdemona loved Othello for his bravery and his noble qualities.
7. How was the statement of Othello confirmed?
Ø The statement of Othello was confirmed by the evidence of Desdemona.
8. Why was the State of Venice in immediate the help of Othello?
Ø The State of Venice was in immediate help of Othello to defend Cyprus against the Turks.
9. When did the Turkish fleet sail for the island of Cyprus?
Ø When Othello was accused of marrying Desdemona without his father's consent, the Turkish fleet sailed for Cyprus.
10. Which country ruled over Cyprus then?
Ø Venice ruled over Cyprus then.
11. Why did the Duke set Othello free?
Ø The Duke released Othello because Brabantio's daughter confirmed Othello's statement.
12. When did Othello undertake the charge of wars in Cyprus?
Ø He undertook the charge of wars in Cyprus when he was released from the charge brought against him.
13. What news did Othello hear when he landed in Cyprus?
Ø Othello heard that a violent storm had dispersed the Turkish fleet.
14. What did Othello do when he knew Cyprus was secure from any attack?
Ø He made a sort of holiday there for feasting and merry-making.
15. What did Othello direct Cassio during the party?
Ø Othello directed Cassio to keep the soldiers from excess in drinking.
16. What did the logo do during the party?
Ø logo enticed Cassio to drink and enjoy the party to his heart's content.