Class: XI Text




Class XI        |        English B

With effect from the session, 2013-2014:
Division of marks :
Prose:                      20 marks
Poems:                     20 marks
Rapid Reader:         10 marks
Textual Grammar:   10 marks
(paragraph/story) :  10 marks
Advertisement:        05 marks
Commercial leaflet : 05 marks
Project:                    20 marks
Total: 100 marks


Leela's Friend -- R. K. Narayan
Karma -- Khushwant Sing
Alias Jimmy Valentine -- O Henry
Nobel Lecture -- Mother Teresa
The Place of Art in Education -- Nandalal Bose


Upon the Westminster Bridge -- William Wordsworth
Meeting at Night -- Robert Browning
The Sick Rose -- William Blake
Brotherhood -- Octavio Paz
Daybreak -- H W Longfellow
Rapid Reader (Any One)
Tales from Shakespeare -- Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb (edited version)
 Macbeth, Othello, The Comedy of Errors, As You Like It, Twelfth Night.

Textual Grammar

Text based grammatical questions on Voice Change, 
Narration Change, Transformation of sentences, 
Joining of sentences, Splitting of sentences, Appropriate articles 
and prepositions, etc.


Paragraph writing / Story writing ( about 150-200 words)
ESP: Newspaper Advertisement: All types, classifieds (within 50 words)
Commercial Leaflet: Opening of a showroom /Institution/ Training centre, Launching tour programmes by a travel agency, Discount sale (within 50 words).

Project (1000-1500 words) (Any one) : 

Dramatizing a story from within the syllabus or outside the syllabus
Developing a story with the beginning given in 2-3 sentences
Writing an autobiography of an object/persons / self